Friday, July 05, 2013

How Nigerian actress, Judith Opara Mazagwu, others are turning Nollywood into Pornywood

Nigerian actress, Judith Opara Mazagwu otherwise known as Afrocandy no doubt seems to have succeeded in giving the  Nollywood a new face; raw pornography.

Recently, she stunned many Nigerians especially consumers of Nollywood movies when she posted on her facebook wall requesting for actors and actresses who could take up nude roles in her movie called Destructive Instinct.

The content of the message was, for many, an affront which precipitated a culture shock.

Mandela nearing end as doctors beg family to let him die

Doctors treating the anti-apartheid hero and former South African president, Nelson Mandela have begged the family members to consider turning off his life support to allow him  die peacefully and avoid prolonging his suffering, it was revealed last night.

Court documents say medics recommended the heartbreaking decision to pull the plug TEN DAYS AGO because South Africa’s anti-apartheid hero is now in a “permanent vegetative state”.

The news came as a bitter feud over where the 94-year-old former president should be buried appeared to be resolved.

A slanging match wife Graca Machel, 67, and eldest daughter Makaziwe, 59, were having with his grandson Mandla culminated yesterday with the reburial of his three dead children at his childhood home in remote Qunu, Eastern Cape.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Why Deeper Life Church suspends Kumuyi’s Son over controversial wedding gown

Despite the apology sent to the church following the controversy generated by the wedding gown of the bride of the second son of its General-Superintendent, Pastor William Kumuyi, the Deeper Christian Life Ministry has formally suspended John Kumuyi and his new wife, Love Kumuyi

According to a statement from the church, the couple had to be suspended for flouting the church’s rules by using make-up and other flashy ensemble that accompanied a fitted wedding gown. The gown also had see-through sleeves. His bride, Love Odih, was accused of flouting the established doctrine of the church on conservative dressing.