Friday, March 20, 2015

A must read: How safe is sex in pregnancy?

 Often times, the question always arises among couples.  Is sex safe during pregnancy?
According to experts, sex should be enjoyed by couples. In fact, there is no reason for them to stop sex even when the woman is pregnant since pregnancy is no sickness. A woman with normal pregnancy may continue to have sex until she goes into labour.

The fear that the fetus (baby) might get hurt during love making should be totally erased, because the amniotic sac which holds the baby and the strong muscles of a pregnant woman protect the baby, while the thick mucous plug which seals the cervix helps guard against infection.

Though sometimes, orgasm, nipple stimulation and the prostaglandins in semen could lead to mild uterine contractions; these are generally temporary and harmless.

There are some circumstances, in which the woman is advised to modify or abstain from sex altogether for part or all through pregnancy. The midwife or doctor would let the woman know if there are complications that could make sex a no-go-area. This is why it is good for a pregnant woman to ask questions and know if all is well with her.

Here are some facts pregnant women should know about sex in pregnancy!

Is sex different during pregnancy?

Sex does feel different for women during pregnancy. Some find it more pleasurable; others may generally find it less so, for part or all of the pregnancy. The reasons are not far-fetched:

Increased blood flow to the pelvic area can cause engorgement of the genital area, creating a heightened sensation which may add to pleasure a woman derives during sex. Some women may have more vaginal discharge or moistness, which could also be a plus for them, as that stimulates them sexually.

A pregnant woman’s breasts may feel tingly, tender and unusually sensitive to touch, particularly in her first trimester. The tenderness generally subsides, but her breasts may remain more sensitive. For such women, that becomes a turn-on, while for others, they may even prefer that their breasts not be touched at all.

Communication is essential here. It is advisable as the pregnant one to let your partner know if anything feels uncomfortable, even if it’s something you’re used to doing together before.

If you find you feel turned on, but not enjoying intercourse, let him know and together, consider other erotic ways of pleasuring each other, such as mutual pleasuring, oral sex or stimulation by fingering.

Experiment and make adjustments as a couple to make sex relaxing and pleasurable for both of you.

Remember, too, that   there is more to physical intimacy than sex. If you don’t feel like having sex or your dcotor has advised you to the contrary, you can still hug, kiss, cuddle and caress each other.

You may not be in the mood for sex

There is a wide range of individual experiences when it comes to sexual desire during pregnancy. Some women have a heightened libido throughout pregnancy, while others find they are less interested in sex. Many women find that their sexual appetite fluctuates, perhaps depending on how they feel physically and emotionally.

You may feel too tired, moody or even nauseated to make love, especially in the first trimester. Relax, as it is not unusual to feel so overwhelmed by the physical and emotional changes you are undergoing. This may ease up in your second trimester after morning sickness and fatigue had disappeared.

It is also not uncommon, however, for desire to wane again in the third trimester, particularly in the last month or two. You may, at this stage, be too big, fatigue or even out on energy to make love comfortably. You mostly at this stage get preoccupied with the approach of labour and child birth.

Carry your man along about how you feel and always reassure him that you still love him. It is crucial to keep the lines of communication open and to support each other as best you can as you go through these changes together.

Is oral sex safe?

For the most part, yes. Licking is fine, but do not allow your partner blow into your genital area. Blowing air into the vagina could cause bubble of air that gets into your blood circulation. This could be life-threatening for you or the baby.

It is also not safe for your partner to give you oral sex during pregnancy if he has an oral herpes or feels one coming on. And during the third trimester, if your partner has ever had oral herpes, he should avoid giving you oral sex altogether, whether or not he has symptoms.

Comfortable sex positions in pregnancy

You have to experiment with your man to find the positions that are best for you. Finding a comfortable position for intercourse becomes more of a challenge as your belly keeps protuding.

Get creative and try some new positions. Here are some suggestions:

•Straddle your partner as he lies on his back. This way, there’ll be no weight on your abdomen and you can control the depth of penetration.

•Straddle your partner as he sits on a chair.

•Lie side-by-side with your partner facing your back and entering from behind, though penetration tends to be shallower in this position.

•Lie on your side, tilted back somewhat with a pillow under your back to support you as you face your partner. This position allows him to keep most of his weight off your belly.

•Shift your bottom to the side or foot of the bed and lie back with your knees bent and feet perched at the edge of the bed. Your partner kneels or stands in front of you.

•Support yourself on your knees and elbows. Your partner kneels and enters from behind.
By Monica Taiwo (Tribune)

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